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按分类查找All xml/soap/webservice(10) 
按平台查找All Java(10) 

[xml/soap/webservice] cxf-spring-boot-starter

由Spring Boot和Apache CXF提供支持企业和生产的SOAP Web服务
Enterprise & production ready SOAP webservices powered by Spring Boot & Apache CXF (2024-02-16, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[xml/soap/webservice] liecheshikebiao

A train timetable inquiry of Android s little project source code based on, trains use http://webservice.webxml.com.cn/WebServices/TrainTimeWebService.asmx interface provides data, combined with ksoap2 data analysis of the project. You can query trips between two stations and the train station information specified information (2016-07-27, Java, 863KB, 下载5次)


[xml/soap/webservice] cchbxxcx

Train and flight information query can query a city to another city trips and flight information, and can be used for later use, train trips and aircraft flight information data are by webservice.webxml.com.cn provided a query after the train information and flight information to add to Favorites list, the default compiler version 4.4.2 GBK encoding has a large number of Chinese notes, can be a very good learning and reference listview, SQLite, xmlpullparser usage. (2016-06-30, Java, 2298KB, 下载2次)


[xml/soap/webservice] hcsjbckym

A train timetable inquiry of Android s little project source code based on, trains use http://webservice.webxml.com.cn/WebServices/TrainTimeWebService.asmx interface provides data, combined with ksoap2 data analysis of the project. You can query trips between two stations and the train station information specified information. (2016-05-23, Java, 848KB, 下载2次)


[xml/soap/webservice] flash_3D_hdp

Flash big picture 3D rotation mode switching code, much like jquery plugins to complete the function, unfortunately there is no flash in the source file, you can use, you can not study the source code, the switching effects are also using XML as a configuration file, modify the update very convenient, entertainment station/picture station can be used, renderings shown above. (2015-02-05, Java, 161KB, 下载0次)


[xml/soap/webservice] city

Ized the National Urban cascading menu jQuery code example package, Select the drop-down box has been landscaping, than the traditional gray style Select the drop-down list more beautiful city menu information stored in the XML file, if city information subject to change or want to change into other cascading menu, you can modify this file directly, and in terms of compatibility with some defects in seemingly can not run properly under IE8, Firefox and Chrome browsers are not affected. (2014-10-21, Java, 42KB, 下载5次)


[xml/soap/webservice] SAML

1、什么是SAML 2、SAML标准&协议 3、SAML2.0特性分析 4、SAML:集中身份管理的秘诀 5、SAML:企业级的IdP 6、SAML:IdP和SP用户存储库 7、XML安全:使用SAML确保可移植的信任 8、揭开SAML的神秘面纱 9、安全地共享数字身份信息(一) 10、安全地共享数字身份信息(二) 11、安全地共享数字身份信息(三) 12、安全地共享数字身份信息(四)
What is SAML SAML standards & protocols, SAML 2.0 Characteristics Analysis 4, SAML: centralized identity management tips 5 SAML: enterprise-class the IdP, SAML: the IdP and SP user repository, the XML security: SAML ensure transplant trust, to uncover the SAML mystery 9, securely sharing digital identity information (a) 10, securely sharing digital identity information (b) 11, securely sharing digital identity information (c) 12, securely share digital identity information (d) (2012-11-13, Java, 843KB, 下载19次)


[xml/soap/webservice] WeatherUtil

Get weather the Webservice, to obtain the address is http://webservice.webxml.com.cn/ (2012-07-23, Java, 2KB, 下载5次)


[xml/soap/webservice] tidy2

基于web的数据挖掘,获取信 XHTML 格式的源信息,将数据 从 HTML 转换成 XML
Web-based data mining, to obtain a letter format XHTML source of information, data from XML into HTML (2009-04-18, Java, 3932KB, 下载58次)


[xml/soap/webservice] Flex_RIA

Flex 是一种RIA开发技术,具有更好的网络交互能力,更加绚丽的表现效果,同时在企业级的扩展上也游刃有余。Flex技术对软件开发人员的要求并不苛刻,MXML和ActionScript都遵循技术标准,用相对简单的代码就可以完成绚丽高效的Flex应用程序。
Flex is a RIA technology, interactive network with better ability to effect a more brilliant performance, while at the enterprise level is also easily extended. Flex technology on the software developer (2009-01-06, Java, 2KB, 下载2次)
