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[生物医药技术] MedAPI

MedAPI:该项目旨在在为企业应用程序开发RESTful API的上下文中演示这些技术和实践的实际应用。
MedAPI: This project aims to demonstrate the practical application of these technologies and practices in the context of developing RESTful APIs for corporate applications. (2024-07-08, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[生物医药技术] Virtual-Community-Android-App-

The app has mainly 2 section - business and health sector. The business sector enables entrepreneurs and loan providers to communicate with each other and the health sector gives the opportunity to see doctor s list,nearby doctors and chat with them. (2020-08-16, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[生物医药技术] DnA

Data and Analytics Platform provides A-Z solution for enterprises in Analytics area, from transparency on planned and ongoing activities up to providing open source components to realize them. All in self-service manner, cloud independent with minimum infrastructure footprint. (2023-05-23, Java, 27375KB, 下载0次)
