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[嵌入式Linux] iscsi-automount

此回购包含(2)个脚本:“config iscsi storage.sh”配置系统d服务以在启动时连接到LUN,“config iscsi storage mounts.sh”创建系统d装载以在LUN连接后装载iscsi磁盘。编写这些代码的最初用例是一篇关于配置一堆Raspberry Pi(8GB模型)以在64位Ubuntu上运行Docker应用程序的HowTo文章。然而,只要稍作调整,它们就可以很容易地适应企业用例。
This repo contains (2) scripts: "config-iscsi-storage.sh" configures a systemd service to connect to a LUN on boot and "config-iscsi-storage-mounts.sh" creates the systemd mount to mount the iscsi disk AFTER the LUN has been connected. The original use case for writing these was for a HowTo article on configuring a pile of Raspberry Pi s- the 8GB models- to run Docker applications on 64bit Ubuntu. However, with a small bit of tweaking they could easily be adapted to enterprise use cases. (2024-04-08, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式Linux] RaspberryPiAppleCarPlay

“RaspberryPiAppleCarPlay”是一个自己动手(DIY)项目,专注于使用Raspberry Pi来复制Apple CarPlay功能,构建汽车信息娱乐系统。
"RaspberryPiAppleCarPlay" is a do-it-yourself (DIY) project focused on building a car infotainment system using a Raspberry Pi to replicate Apple CarPlay features. (2024-02-05, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式Linux] retromark

Embedded Linux using Buildroot tools for entertainment tv box, (2020-06-09, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)
