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[机器人/智能制造] xpan-docker

xpan-docker,丰盘ECM软件是一款面向企业用户的支持私有部署的免费企业网盘产品,对标国外老牌企业网盘产品ownCloud nextcloud,但更适合国内企业,可用于企业在自有IDC或公有云服务器上搭建专有的文档管理系统,积累核心知识资产,降低企业...
Xpan docker, Fengpan ECM software is a free enterprise online disk product that supports private deployment for enterprise users, benchmarking against the old foreign enterprise online disk product ownCloud nextCloud, but it is more suitable for domestic enterprises. It can be used by enterprises to build a proprietary document management system on their own IDC or public cloud servers, accumulate core knowledge assets, and reduce the number of enterprises (2022-11-04, Shell, 3084KB, 下载0次)
