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[区块链开发] jdchain

JD Chain is JD.COM s open source blockchain project, with the goal of creating enterprise blockchain system that makes data exchange easier and more efficient. , (2022-10-21, Shell, 46KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] unlocking-the-power-of-llms

使用 Prompts 和 Chains 让 ChatGPT 成为神奇的生产力工具!Unlocking the power of LLMs. Facebook (Meta) 的 LLaMA 模型(235GB)- 百度网盘下载 ,
Use Prompts and Chains to make ChatGPT a magical productivity tool! Unlocking the power of LLMs. LLaMA model for Facebook (Meta) (235GB) - Baidu Netdisk download (2023-04-10, Shell, 2058KB, 下载0次)
