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按分类查找All VHDL/FPGA/Verilog(2) 
按平台查找All Windows_Unix(2) 

[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] serial

本模块的功能是验证实现和PC机进行基本的串口通信的功能。需要在PC机上安装一个串口调试工具来验证程序的功能。 程序实现了一个收发一帧10个bit(即无奇偶校验位)的串口控制器,10个bit是1位起始位,8个数据位,1个结束位。 串口的波特律由程序中定义的div_par参数决定,更改该参数可以实现相应的波特率。程序当前设定的div_par 的值 是0x145,对应的波特率是9600。用一个8倍波特率的时钟将发送或接受每一位bit的周期时间划分为8个时隙以使通 信同步.
The function of this module is to verify the basic serial communication and PC. Need to be installed on a PC with a serial debugging tools to verify the functionality of the program. The program implements a send and receive a 10-bit (ie, no parity bit) serial controller, 10 bit is a start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit. The serial port s baud law determined by the procedures defined in div_par parameters, change the parameters to achieve the appropriate baud rate. The value of the procedures set div_par 0x145, corresponding to the baud rate is 9600. An eight times the baud rate clock to send or receive every bit of the cycle time is divided into eight time slots so that through Letter synchronization. (2012-03-05, Windows_Unix, 55KB, 下载2次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] qpsk_demod_use_FPGA

According to the idea of software radio, a novel digital signal processing algorithm, the phase of QPSK digital signal processing, enabling the demodulation of QPSK signals. This algorithm allows the sending and receiving ends of the carrier frequency difference exists, using digital phase-locked to achieve synchronization of sending and receiving end of the carrier, in the case of large frequency offset, frequency offset estimation of the size, adaptive set the loop bandwidth to achieve shorter acquisition time and better noise performance. The whole design is based on the company XILINX ISE development platform, and Virtex-II series with the FPGA. FPGA realization of a modem with a small size, low power consumption, high integration, software upgrades available, the characteristics of strong interference interference, in line with the future direction of ICT development. (2010-12-06, Windows_Unix, 63KB, 下载42次)
