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[物联网] Ai-Thinker-Open-PB-LLSyncSDK

安信可PB-02模组基于LLSync SDK蓝牙接入腾讯物联网
Anxinke PB-02 module accesses Tencent Internet of Things based on LLSync SDK Bluetooth (2022-03-05, C, 12325KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] DSS_KCXG

Personal data, the first semester (the first semester of junior year) of Xuancheng Campus of Hefei University of Technology from 2019 to 2020, relevant information about courses of IoT engineering, including courseware, experiment report, course design report, etc (2021-01-14, C, 816563KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] qcloud-esp32-llsync-mqtt

安信可ESP32-S模组适配腾讯物联开发平台 llsync蓝牙配网+MQTT远程控制
Ansense ESP32-S module adapts to the llsync Bluetooth distribution network+MQTT remote control of Tencent IOT development platform (2021-07-23, C, 362KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] SmartOS

SmartOS is an embedded system platform for Internet of Things enterprises, which is independently developed by silent Internet of Things technology. The goal of SmartOS is to transform all industries into intelligence. (2016-10-09, C, 25KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] mTower

mTower is Trusted Execution Environment specially designed to be used on MicroController Units (MCUs) supporting ARM TrustZone technology (e.g., Cortex-M23/33/35p). mTower operates well under restrictions typical for such environment – small RAM and ROM sizes, relatively low performance, absence of rich OSes providing variety of services (2023-05-19, C, 3369KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] epk2extract

Extraction tool for LG, Hisense, Sharp, Philips TPV, Thompson and similar TVs Embedded Devices (2023-05-26, C, 444KB, 下载0次)
