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按分类查找All Node.js(10) 
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[Node.js] channel-partner-service

The Channel Partner Service manages the operations of small branch offices (channel partners) located within a city. It may handle local distribution, order management, and communication with the nodal service. (2023-11-03, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] DHBWhub

DHBWhub is a website and Q&A-platform for students and other interested people, particularly in regards to the corporate state university DHBW and its courses. (2023-10-12, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] nest-template

NestJS样板文件,适用于具有模块化文件夹结构的企业,使用类和OOP,TypeORM SQL配置,具有jwt身份验证...,
A NestJS boilerplate for enterprises with modular folder structure using classes and OOP, TypeORM SQL configuration with jwt authenticated and many more ?????? (2023-09-20, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] sdk-nodejs

云账户是一家专注为平台企业和新就业形态劳动者提供高质量灵活就业服务的新时代企业。云账户 SDK 对云账户综合服务平台 API 接口进行封装,让您不必关心过多参数请求,帮助您快速接入到云账户综合服务平台。云账户 SDK for Node.js 为您提供签约、支付、回调、数据查...,
Cloud account is a new era enterprise that focuses on providing high-quality flexible employment services for platform enterprises and workers in new employment forms. The cloud account SDK encapsulates the API interface of the cloud account integrated service platform, so that you don t have to care about too many parameter requests, and helps you quickly access the cloud account integrated service platform. Cloud account SDK for Node.js provides you with signing, payment, callback, data query, (2023-08-07, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] consumet

Nodejs library that provides high-level APIs for obtaining information on various entertainment media such as books, movies, comic books, anime, manga, and so on. (2023-07-06, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] contoso-real-estate

Enterprise-grade Reference Architecture for JavaScript, (2023-07-08, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] cnpmcore

Private NPM Registry for Enterprise, (2023-07-09, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] TNWX

TNWX: TypeScript + Node.js + WeiXin 微信系开发脚手架,支持微信公众号、微信支付、微信小游戏、微信小程序、企业微信 企业号。最最最重要的是能快速的集成至任何 Node.js 框架(Express、Nest、Egg、Koa 等),
TNWX: TypeScript+Node.js+WeiXin WeChat system development scaffolding, supporting WeChat public account, WeChat payment, WeChat games, WeChat applet, enterprise WeChat enterprise account. The most important thing is that it can be quickly integrated into any Node.js framework (Express, Nest, Egg, Koa, etc.), (2023-01-05, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] nest

一个渐进式Node.js框架,用于使用TypeScript JavaScript构建高效、可扩展和企业级的服务器端应用程序,
A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side applications with TypeScript JavaScript , (2023-07-08, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] white-label

A Vinyl-Trading enterprise app built with Node.js + TypeScript using Domain- Driven Design (2023-01-04, TypeScript, 160KB, 下载0次)
