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[构建工具] superhero-ABC123

A interactive web app designed for children aged 3-8 to learn and have fun! Learn the Alphabet and Numbers form 0- 100 in words and numbers. Build Sentences and discover Word Families A perfect tool for early childhood education. (2024-07-01, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] ideaboard

Ideaboard is a powerful and intuitive application designed to boost creativity, planning, and collaboration. Perfect for teams, creators, and entrepreneurs, Ideaboard transforms your ideas into actionable plans. (2024-05-15, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] project-luth

Full stack web application for a startup business idea (2024-03-07, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] DNDBuddyElectron

I m trying to create an updated version of an idea I had several months ago as a companion application for the Dungeon and Dragons TTRPG system. Now I want to create it in Electron to ensure a more user-friendly experience. (2024-02-07, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] react-graphql-ts-template

一个企业 React图模板应用程序展示-测试策略,全局状态管理,中间件...
An enterprise react graphql template application showcasing - Testing strategy, Global state management, middleware support, a network layer, component library integration, localization, PWA support, route configuration, lazy loading and CI/CD (2023-05-09, TypeScript, 4028KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] electron

企业级桌面应用解决方案;技术栈基于Electron + React + Koa + Typescript; 实现快速开发、一键智能打包、快速交付的能力;
Enterprise desktop application solutions; The technology stack is based on Electron+React+Koa+Typescript; Realize the ability of rapid development, one click intelligent packaging and rapid delivery; (2023-02-12, TypeScript, 2159KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] react-enterprise-template

react模板 react项目模板 React18 + webpack5 + TypeScript4 + mobx6 + react-router-dom6 react 模板 基于react企业级模板 项目模板 简单模板 快速模板
React template React project template React18+webpack5+TypeScript4+mobx6+react router dom6 React template Based on react enterprise template Project template Simple template Quick template (2023-06-16, TypeScript, 12003KB, 下载0次)
