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按分类查找All 教育系统应用(4) 
按平台查找All Delphi(4) 

[教育系统应用] kaosh

Online exam software, online exam software online exam software online exam software (2013-06-24, Delphi, 1647KB, 下载12次)


[教育系统应用] productsystem

The system information management system called the production, mainly for the production of a number of day-to-day business operation, currently used mainly for small and medium-sized (2009-05-03, Delphi, 1109KB, 下载26次)


[教育系统应用] Chap05

The system are the library management system, mainly used in schools, and other career and business management. (2009-02-18, Delphi, 1194KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] SQL2005_s

DELPHI7.0+SQL2005环境下开发 2008年8月假期所写,12天的开发周期,(但没有完成。呵呵) 无第三方控件,程序全部详解 程序目的主要是写对来访问宿舍与货品进出宿舍的管理(已经完成) 程序还差最后几个查询模块没有写。本来是想写完参加大二的文化节的,不过感觉水平还是太低,放弃了,把源码给需要的人参考。 程序模块规划得很差,大家不要见笑啦。呵呵 此程序是本人的第一个操作数据库的例子。高手就略过了,主要对新手有点用处。 BLOG:www.guester.cn BY:蜗牛 EMAIL:sys.cpp@163.com
DELPHI7.0+ SQL2005 environment to develop in August 2008 written by holidays, 12 days of the development cycle, (but is not yet complete. Ha ha) no third party controls, detailed procedures for the purpose of all proceedings is to write to to access of goods into and out houses Quarters Management (completed) program is still several inquiries the last module had not been written. Finished his sophomore year wanted to take part in cultural festivals, but still feel the level is too low, giving up the source code to those who need a reference. Program modules planning poorly, we should not a laughing stock of you. Ha ha this program is my first operation of the database examples. Master on the skip, the main usefulness of the new bit. BLOG: www.guester.cn BY: snail EMAIL: sys.cpp @ 163.com (2009-02-07, Delphi, 2627KB, 下载32次)
