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按分类查找All OA办公系统(4) 
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[OA办公系统] wanshuijinxiaochunguanlixitong

Million water Invoicing is a simple application of business management software. (2011-08-17, Delphi, 3717KB, 下载3次)


[OA办公系统] SouceOne

一个企业人事信息管理系统的源代码 数据库安装说明: 数据库安装时,可以先附加到企业管理器,所用者为sa,之后再把sa密码设为空。库名为:PersonalManage。 用户名:admin 密码:admin
An enterprise Personnel Information Management System database, the source code installation instructions: Database installation, you can first attach to the Enterprise Manager, the users of sa, and then after the sa password set to blank. Library name: PersonalManage. User Name: admin Password: admin (2010-02-05, Delphi, 2014KB, 下载7次)


[OA办公系统] OndemandX

Ondemand是IBM公司开发的报表管理系统,广泛使用于金融、保险、电信等大型企业. 但是由于某些原因,其报表下载和检索功能作的并不尽如人意,本程序是对Ondemand报表系统的下载和检索
AIX is IBM's statement management system, widely used in finance, insurance, telecommunications and other large enterprises. But for some reason, their statements to download and search function is not ideal for this procedure articulated statements of the system to download and retrieval (2006-03-29, Delphi, 39KB, 下载6次)


[OA办公系统] 全球办公自动化系统源代码

本系统在一些大中型企业(跨多达24个区域)一直都在很好的服务过,主要在FTP 控制 UDP控制 HTTP控制 傁客户数据库 数据库 数据压缩加密方面进行了综合深入的应用
This system (cross reaches 24 regions) in some large and middle scale enterprises continuously all in the very good service, mainly controlled UDP in FTP to control the HTTP control 鈻ustomer database database data compression encryption aspect to carry on the synthesis thorough application (2005-09-27, Delphi, 8641KB, 下载1017次)
