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[软件设计/软件工程] HYMIS-SRS

软件工程文档 大型建筑企业信息系统软件系统需求规格说明书
software requirement specification (2012-03-21, Delphi, 358KB, 下载4次)


[软件设计/软件工程] ERStudio

ER/Studio Data Architect (以前称为ER/Studio),是一种可视化的建模应用程序,除了可以设计与构建与平台相关的物理数据库以外,还可以分析与设计与平台无关的逻辑数据架构。 ER/Studio Data Architect 的强大的,多层式设计环境非常有助于数据库管理员,开发人员和数据架构师建立与维护庞大复杂的数据库应用程序,也有助于跨企业的元数据的巩固、报告和重用。
ER/Studio Data Architect (formerly known as ER/Studio), is a visual modeling application, in addition to design and build the physical database and platform, it also can analyze and design a platform-independent logical data architecture. ER/Studio Data Architect' s robust, multi-layered design environment is to help database administrators, developers and data architects to create and maintain large and complex database applications, but also help the metadata across the enterprise consolidation, reporting and reuse. (2011-10-10, Delphi, 1904KB, 下载11次)


[软件设计/软件工程] 1285316941

City Buildings II minesweeper game early twenty-ogle is two, as instructed in one place Kuitun (2011-02-18, Delphi, 42601KB, 下载1次)


[软件设计/软件工程] EnterpriseMinistryofpersonnelManagementSystem

The paper is specially designed for the enterprise as a Personnel System! Can be designed as part of the graduation thesis! (2009-06-26, Delphi, 1407KB, 下载3次)


[软件设计/软件工程] qiyerenshiguanli

本课题是为企业人事管理提供现代化技术支持的管理信息系统,该系统包括了员工管理、部门管理、用户管理、招聘管理等主要模块。其图形用户界面利用DELPHI进行开发,后台数据库使用SQL SERVER 2000,采用ADO数据访问方式。
This issue is to provide personnel management for the enterprise of modern technology to support management information system, which includes staff management, departmental management, user management, recruitment management, and other major modules. Its graphical user interface developed using DELPHI, back-end database using SQL SERVER 2000, using ADO data access methods. (2008-06-06, Delphi, 2304KB, 下载119次)
