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[Delphi/CppBuilder] 20170314085701_咏南下拉列表选择控件

A drop-down display data control, which is different from the system's built-in control, can add multiple records and use it on DELPHI 6.0. (2021-02-04, Delphi, 99KB, 下载0次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] qijyy

delphi 5企业级解决方案及应用剖析,详细的介绍了企业开发中使用到的技术
delphi 5 enterprise-class solutions and applications analysis, a detailed description of the business development of the technology used (2011-02-28, Delphi, 13004KB, 下载4次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] Delphizxxxxglxt

《Delphi中小型信息管理系统》原书光盘,相当不错的,大家来下载看看呀! 发布者 : cjsh(wjh_wy(at)163.com) QQ:39306255 网络空间: http://www.efile.com.cn/?cjsh weblog : http://www.cnblogs.com/cjsh/
" Delphi for small and medium information management system" of the original book CD-ROM, is quite good, and everyone to download the look 呀! Posted by: cjsh (wjh_wy (at) 163.com) QQ: 39306255 cyberspace: http://www.efile.com.cn/?cjsh weblog: http://www.cnblogs.com/cjsh/ (2010-03-19, Delphi, 1642KB, 下载3次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] BasmForBeginners-cn

《BASM for Beginners Lessons》本文档是SkyJacker翻译修订的BASM 初学者入门PDF版,内容中英文对照,原始英文版作者 Dennis Kjaer Christensen.这些文章通过函数实例来介绍 BASM。通常,这些函数首先使用 Pascal 编写,然后从 Delphi 编译器的 CPU 窗口中复制汇编代码,之后进行分析和优化。也包括使用 MMX, SSE 或 SSE2 指令的优化。
" BASM for Beginners Lessons" This document is a translation of the revised BASM beginners SkyJacker entry PDF version of the content in bilingual, the original English version by Dennis Kjaer Christensen. Examples of these articles through a function to introduce BASM. Typically, these functions to prepare the first to use Pascal and Delphi compiler from the CPU window, copy the assembly code, followed by analysis and optimization. Also includes the use of MMX, SSE or SSE2 instruction optimization. (2009-10-27, Delphi, 545KB, 下载14次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] DELPHIhotel

前言 随着旅游业的发展,酒店业如雨后春笋般蓬勃发展起来,既是社会发展使然,更是人之常情所至,如此说,酒店业的兴旺正是应势而生,水到渠成的事。因而酒店宾馆的业务也将越来越繁忙,同时,人们对酒店服务及科学化管理的要求也越来越高,因此,酒店业的竞争日趋激烈,为在激烈的竞争得以生存与发展,提高酒店业科学化、现代化的管理水平,提高工作效率和服务质量,顺应时代发展,综合性的酒店计算机管理系统已变得不可缺少。计算机在酒店的使用已不单纯是减轻劳动强度、减少人员开支、提高核算精度以及减少财务错漏,更重要的是它能为整个企业的管理模式带入一种新的思维,一种新的理念,为高层管理人员提供大量丰富的基于企业管理经营过程中实际的数据为依托的决策支持系统,供酒店管理者决策参考。 本文简单介绍了酒店客房管理系统的开发过程及Delphi 7与SQL Server 2000的运用,讨论了酒店客房管理系统的开发方案,并详细地论述利用Delphi 7+SQL Server 2000平台,设计开发酒店管理系统的方法。采用SQL Server 2000软件建立酒店客房管理系统数据库,并用程序实现对这个数据库的操作和管理,建立一个较完善、高效、友好的操作平台,让软件用户更好的对酒店客房管理数据库进行维护和管理。
delphi hotel room management sysdelphi hotel room management systemtem delphi hotel room management system (2009-05-14, Delphi, 2495KB, 下载65次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] delphiCSDNtogdoc

delphi CSDN 技术文档 IT人博客:记录IT人的喜怒哀乐,书写IT人的成长奋斗。 今天,你学习了吗,进步了吗,反思了吗,收获了吗,感悟了吗? 和你一起成长的,是IT人博客!我准备好了,你准备好了吗? 一起来IT人博客学习交流吧! IT人博客:http://www.itrbk.com 建站之家:www.sea20.com 自助建站、企业建站、建站系统!为企业和个人提供建站服务! 爱搜万网: 全力打造完美搜索引擎,适合中国人的搜索引擎! http://www.Aaiso.com IT人博客:http://www.itrbk.com 建站之家:www.sea20.com 自助建站、企业建站、建站系统!为企业和个人提供建站服务! 爱搜万网: 全力打造完美搜索引擎,适合中国人的搜索引擎! http://www.Aaiso.com
technical documentation IT people blog : Record IT people emotions, writing for the development of IT struggle. Today, you learn there? Progress yet, to reflect on the right, harvested yet, comprehension? And you were growing up, who is the IT blog! I am well prepared, are you ready? IT people up a blog to study the exchange! IT people blog : http://www.itrbk.com establishment of the station house : www.sea20.com ebook, enterprise establishment of the station, the establishment of the station system. For enterprises and individuals to provide the establishment of the station! Love seized 10,000 Net : spare no efforts to create a perfect search engine, suited to the Chinese search engine! Http://www.Aaiso.com IT people blog : http :// www.itrbk.com establishment of the station house : www (2006-06-13, Delphi, 2862KB, 下载153次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] 企业经营管理系统开发实例导航-小区物业管理

Enterprise Management System navigation example- district property management is good business procedures. (2005-05-24, Delphi, 939KB, 下载41次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] 1309_delphirm

classic entry, eight wrong Dongdong, unpacked Password : tmn.cn (2005-03-19, Delphi, 432KB, 下载4次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] delphi_error

Delphi 编 译 错 误 信 息
Delphi compiler error message (2005-03-09, Delphi, 14KB, 下载7次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] Delphi 编 译 错 误 信 息

Delphi compiler error message (2005-02-20, Delphi, 14KB, 下载170次)
