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按分类查找All Windows编程(36) 
按平台查找All Delphi(36) 

[Windows编程] DELPHI

汉王人脸通FaceID DELPHI SDK开发包示例程序源代码,包含中英文版本。
Hanvon FaceID SDK, CN and EN demo Delphi source code included. (2019-08-14, Delphi, 609KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] logoin

Using DX10.2 to write simulated landing interface, mainly test landing window. (2018-10-07, Delphi, 3121KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] yarsor__condition__initialization

BEA TUXEDO是在企业,Internet 这样的分布式运算环境中开发和管理三层结构的客 户 服务器型关键任务应用系统的 (2018-05-04, Delphi, 2KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 重庆秦妈火锅城管理系统1.0版 (源代码)

而 而特任特任特任退热瓦特认为他热特任瓦特日特任他
ertertert rthrwtyrt t ryry tewrterwt er terwter (2017-12-21, Delphi, 1693KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] Legend-landers-configuration-device

Falcon legend landers configurator popular edition, only for personal free entertainment, shall not be used for commercial purposes (2013-03-03, Delphi, 7065KB, 下载21次)


[Windows编程] CostManager

SMEs internal ERP cost management software, there are some practical value (2013-01-10, Delphi, 2567KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] shishen2key

City of Shikigami 2 buttons to set tools, corresponding to Long Man video game released by the city of Shikigami 2, INI file changes (2010-01-04, Delphi, 178KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] manager

Simple project management software, to develop their own businesses to use, and is the reference for beginners released (2009-08-04, Delphi, 2132KB, 下载14次)


[Windows编程] Wage

Has been applied to the wages of enterprises management system, can be used directly. (2009-07-15, Delphi, 5258KB, 下载13次)


[Windows编程] AESDemo_cn

AES encryption methods can be used for data, documents, etc. to deal with. (2009-06-22, Delphi, 72KB, 下载11次)


[Windows编程] MainMenu

Small and medium-sized information system- easy to fly the main interface Analog produced! (2009-04-08, Delphi, 457KB, 下载13次)


[Windows编程] ERP_COST_jx

ererp 企业资源管理系统p 企业资源管理系统
erperp 企业资源管理系统 (2009-02-12, Delphi, 1670KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] 104ServerProgramver2.3

能模拟子站的遥信,遥控,和电量。 有疑问请发Email到zzhenwei@163.com
Can simulate the remote sub-stations, remote control, and power consumption. Have questions please send an Email to zzhenwei@163.com (2008-07-09, Delphi, 346KB, 下载334次)


[Windows编程] guanli

the early development of the project should make a detail survey of demand analysis about the situation in the area housing tenants, based on the design of the households in Jiao Zuo City district management information system architecture, including the address of a building, tenants of information management, room decoration
the early development of the project should make a detail survey of demand analysis about the situation in the area housing tenants, based on the design of the households in Jiao Zuo City district management information system architecture, including the address of a building, tenants of information management, room decoration (2008-06-04, Delphi, 687KB, 下载35次)


[Windows编程] 11

With entertainment notebook, can also set the background color, in more than you will use can also listen to your favorite music, bring their own six Shougang琴曲 (2008-05-26, Delphi, 395KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] shiyan1

1、第一次运行,首先必须注册控件,注册请运行 注册控件.bat,以后运行无需注册 2、如果无需该程序,请注消控件,注消请运行 注消控件.bat 3、运行中或使用发现问题,请访问武汉宽网www.mpegnet.cn 或tech@mpegnet.cn
1, the first run, we must first control register, control register, please register to run. Bat, after the operation are not required to register 2, if the need for the program, please write-off control, write-off write-off of the control run. Bat3, operation or use of found questions, please visit Wuhan www.mpegnet.cn or wide network tech@mpegnet.cn (2007-11-04, Delphi, 169KB, 下载30次)


[Windows编程] Unit_CommunicationCMD.pas

消费一卡通,供参考,可以交流 ,web_ren@yahoo.com.cn
Consumer Card for information, exchange, web_ren@yahoo.com.cn (2007-03-20, Delphi, 4KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] MailGenie1032src

可 以 让 用 户 在 用 Outlook Express , Netscape 或 是 Eudora 收 信 之 前 , 先 从 邮 件 伺 服 器 上 面 预 览 其 邮 件 标 头 , 可 以 在 收 信 之 前 看 看 有 没 有 垃 圾 信 , 或 是 带 了 病 毒 的 信, 一 旦 发 现 其中 夹 带 了 有 问 题 的 信 件 , 能 让 您 在 将 这 些 可 怕 的 信 件 收 到 自 己 的 电 脑 之 前 还 有 机 会 先 将 之 删 除
allows users to use Outlook Express, Eudora or Netscape prior to receipt of the letter, starting with the mail server above preview their mail headers. Before the receipt of the letter to see if there is garbage letter, or with the letter of the virus, Once found hidden in a letter to the problem, You will be allowed in these terrible letters received before their own computer still have a chance to first delete the (2006-08-19, Delphi, 108KB, 下载24次)


[Windows编程] ENO企业人事信息管理系统配套组件包

ENO企业人事信息管理系统配套组件包,压缩包包含如下组件包: XPmenu dxpack2.0.1 MenuBar .... QuickReport.v4.5.for.Delphi7 TStaticTextEx_TDBStaticTextEx
ENO business personnel information management system supporting kits, compressed packet contains the following components : XPmenu dxpack2.0.1 Wet .... QuickReport.v4.5.for.Delphi7 TStaticTextEx_TDBStaticTextEx (2005-08-30, Delphi, 2381KB, 下载27次)


[Windows编程] 简单进程调度实验

这是进程调度的软件,站资源:包括大量ASP源代码、网页模板、PSD源文件、FLASH源文件、网页图库、站长论坛,服务器工具、网页教程和大量网站建设工具。 网站声明:本源码及资源由中国站长(www.cnzz.cn)收集整理后提供下载 。 网站域名:http://www.cnzz.cn
This a process dispatcher s software, resources stand: Include a large number of ASP source codes , webpage template , PSD source document , FLASH source document , webpage picture library , head s forum, server tool , webpage study course and a large number of website construction tools. Websites declare: Origin yard and resource are by the Chinese head (www. cnzz. Cn) compile back offering download. Website s domain name: http://www. cnzz. cn (2005-06-23, Delphi, 42KB, 下载11次)
