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[界面编程] Embarcadero DBArtisan

Embarcadero DBArtisan 是一款管理企业异质数据库,强化高可用性、效能与安全的管理工具!线上可使用度、高效能及安全性,是所有数据库管理员的共同期许,但要达到以上目标,不但需要随时提高警惕,各种临机应变的计画,还有一大堆繁重而琐碎的工作。幸而有了Embarcadero DBArtisan,解除了数据库管理员的桎梏。 DBArtisan将例行管理工作予以自动化及效率 (2023-01-05, Delphi, 164239KB, 下载0次)


[界面编程] znjsxt

智能监视系统 智能监视系统 欢迎转载,但请保留出处,本文章转自[华软源码],原文链接:http://hur.cn/Soft/2010/5979.html
Intelligent surveillance systems smart surveillance systems welcome reproduced, but please keep the source, the article transferred from [China soft source], text links: http://hur.cn/Soft/2010/5979.html (2010-04-04, Delphi, 2398KB, 下载7次)


[界面编程] knnAlgorithm

delphi (2009-06-23, Delphi, 4KB, 下载3次)


[界面编程] DBGrid3D

BEA TUXEDO是在企业、Internet 这样的分布式运算环境中开发和管理三层结构的客 户/服务器型关键任务应用系统的强有力工具。它具备分布式事务处理和应用通信功能,并提供完善的各种服务来建立、运行和管理关键任务应用系统。开发人员能够用它建立跨多个硬件平台、数据库和操作系统的可互操作的应用系统。BEA TUXEDO是企业、 Internet 分布式应用中的基础主干平台。它提供了一个开放的环境,支持各种各样的客 户、数据库、网络、遗留系统和通讯方式
BEA TUXEDO in the enterprise, the Internet distributed computing environment development and management of the three-tier structure of the client/server-based mission critical Application System powerful tool. It has distributed transaction processing and communications applications, and provide better services to build, Operation and management of mission-critical applications. Developers can use it to establish across multiple hardware platforms, databases and operating systems interoperable applications. BEA TUXEDO enterprises and the Internet distributed applications based on the trunk platform. It provides an open environment to support a wide range of clients, databases, networks, legacy systems and means of communication (2006-06-02, Delphi, 3KB, 下载14次)
