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[云计算] Enhancing-Airbnb-Experience-for-Users-and-Hosts

Group project for the course BUDT737: Enterprise Cloud Computing and Big Data (2024-03-27, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] DnD-race-clustering-using-SOM

Dungeon and Dragons race clustering using SOM (Self-Organizing Map) for Vehicle design course (2024-01-23, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] CDAC_Project

在带有Power Bi.的AWS平台上使用Hadoop、Spark、Hive对Yelp数据集上的餐饮企业的性能和客户行为进行分析。,
Performance & Customer Behaviour Analysis of Restaurant Businesses on Yelp dataset using Hadoop, Spark, Hive on AWS platform with Power Bi., (2023-10-02, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] BBC-News-Classification

文本文档是企业最丰富的数据来源之一。我们将使用BBC compris的公共数据集...
Text documents are one of the richest sources of data for businesses. We’ll use a public dataset from the BBC comprised of 2225 articles, each labeled under one of 5 categories: business, entertainment, politics, sport or tech. The dataset is broken into 1490 records for training and 735 for testing. The goal will be to build a system that can (2020-08-12, Jupyter Notebook, 12KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Google-Analytics-Customer-Revenue-Prediction-

...以及用于R和企业就绪产品的开放工具,供团队扩展和共享工作,已与Google C合作...
The 80/20 rule has proven true for many businesses–only a small percentage of customers produce most of the revenue. As such, marketing teams are challenged to make appropriate investments in promotional strategies. GStore RStudio, the developer of free and open tools for R and enterprise-ready products for teams to scale and share work, has (2018-10-23, Jupyter Notebook, 67316KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] ggle-EDA-and-Modeling-Google-Analytics-Competeion

...以及用于R和企业就绪产品的开放工具,供团队扩展和共享工作,已与Google C合作...
The 80/20 rule has proven true for many businesses–only a small percentage of customers produce most of the revenue. As such, marketing teams are challenged to make appropriate investments in promotional strategies. GStore RStudio, the developer of free and open tools for R and enterprise-ready products for teams to scale and share work, has (2019-04-11, Jupyter Notebook, 2416KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] syr_mads_ist718_big_data_analytics

雪城大学,应用数据科学硕士-IST 718大数据分析
Syracuse University, Masters of Applied Data Science - IST 718 Big Data Analytics (2020-03-25, Jupyter Notebook, 42781KB, 下载0次)
