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[机器翻译] zh-pinyin-extension

"En Zh-Cn Pinyin Extension" simplifies Chinese language learning with one-click conversion of characters to Pinyin and optional English translation, enhancing comprehension for learners. (2024-04-27, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[机器翻译] excel-data-translation_chinese-to-english

Python程序使用熊猫库,并通过googletrans库利用Google Translate API将Excel文件的列名和列中的数据从中文翻译为英文。翻译使用谷歌翻译API将文本从中文(zh-cn)转换为英文(en)。
The Python program employs the pandas library and leverages the Google Translate API through the googletrans library to translate both the column names and the data within columns of an Excel file from Chinese to English. The translation utilizes the Google Translate API for converting text from Chinese (zh-cn) to English (en). (2024-01-03, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[机器翻译] MuZero-CN

Translate all English comments into Chinese from the project , (2021-10-30, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)
