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[开发工具] HexHandbook

(工作正在进行中)使用此React Native应用程序轻松探索和管理地下城和龙法术。无缝浏览、搜索和组织咒语。对于开发人员和D&D爱好者来说,这是一个方便的工具。
(work-in-progress) Explore and manage Dungeons & Dragons spells effortlessly with this React Native application. Browse, search, and organize spells seamlessly. A handy tool for developers and D&D enthusiasts alike. (2024-01-29, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[开发工具] Customer_churn_Predictor_ML

Introducing the Customer Churn Predictor – a vital tool for businesses grappling with customer turnover. This program, fueled by advanced machine learning, analyzes historical customer data to uncover potential churn patterns. (2023-11-14, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[开发工具] n-prediction-using-Artificial-Neural-Network-ANN-

Customer churn prediction is a critical task for businesses in various industries, including telecommunications, finance, and e-commerce. In this project, we have developed an Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-based solution to predict customer churn with an accuracy of 0.79. (2023-09-28, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)
