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[MySQL数据库] project-2

Web application for recreational sports using MySQL, Sequelize, Node, Express, Handlebars & SASS (2018-09-06, CSS, 6636KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] wenda

本项目是一个基于 SpringBoot 的问答平台。数据库使用了 redis 和 mysql,实现注册登录、点赞点踩、评论站内信、Timeline 事件流等功能,同时通过一个异步消息框架来实现事件的异步处理,并使用爬虫对网站进行数据填充。
This project is a SpringBoot based Q&A platform. The database uses Redis and MySQL to achieve functions such as registration and login, likes and likes, comments on internal messages, and Timeline event flow. At the same time, an asynchronous message framework is used to achieve asynchronous processing of events, and crawlers are used to fill the website with data. (2022-06-17, CSS, 2012KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] ts-Deployment-Docker-Login-OTP-Email-verification

A Login & Registration System with Enterprise level both way authentication with Honeypots Email and securing password with Bcrypt and token parsing. (2019-09-05, CSS, 320KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] -Application-Website-with-PHP-Bootstrap-and-MySQL

This very simple application can be used for small businesses or by students on their projects. On this system, candidates can send their information to apply for a specific job position. The Admin is able to see all the candidate’s information on the Resumes Management Application and download the resumes provided, also the admin is able to (2019-08-11, CSS, 2753KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] SSM-recruit

This system implements the basic process of the online recruitment system, using Java language as the development language and MySQL as the database management system; Implemented user login and registration, user information modification, and divided into job seekers and enterprise users, including job seekers modifying their resumes, viewing and submitting positions, enterprise users posting positions, and (2020-11-04, CSS, 12143KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] Movie-Ticketing-Portal

A distributed enterprise web application which enables the user login register and also book cancel movie tickets. (2019-02-21, CSS, 17865KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] dragonshopping

基于SpringBoot + Mybatis + Thymeleaf + MySQL开发的购书商城系统
A book shopping mall system developed based on SpringBoot+Mybatis+Thymleaf+MySQL (2022-03-08, CSS, 4935KB, 下载10次)
