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[物联网] zhny

【智慧农业、农业平台、智慧农业物联网平台V3.0.1(大棚系统 渔业系统 控制系统 气象站 大田系统 溯源系统)(支持硬件)】,从(设备端-APP端- 平台端-管理端)全业务场景,开源版本毫无保留给个人及企业免费使用软件架构:SpringBoot、Mybatis、netty、...,
[Smart agriculture, agricultural platform, smart agriculture Internet of Things platform V3.0.1 (greenhouse system, fishery system, control system, weather station, field system, traceability system) (supporting hardware)], from the full business scenario (equipment end APP end platform end management end), the open source version is unreserved for individuals and enterprises to use free software architecture: SpringBoot, Mybatis, netty, (2023-10-16, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] air-quality-matrix-aws

A completely cloud-enabled, IOT synced, serverless, highly-scalable, end-to- end solution with a city-wise dashboard. (2018-08-18, CSS, 21277KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] aws-authing-demo

这是一个简单的演示,用于在AWS中国区域集成身份验证,以保护API网关REST API和其他AWS资源...
This is a simple demo for integrating Authing in AWS China region to protect API Gateway REST API and other AWS resources such as IoT, Polly and etc. Authing is an ID service offered by Authing.cn and it could be used as a replacement for Cognito User Pool which is not available in AWS China region now. (2023-01-05, CSS, 1388KB, 下载0次)
