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[开发工具] locale

A developer tool for anyone who needs to know Nigeria, geographically. Locale’s API shows you all of Nigeria’s regions, states, and local government areas(LGAs). Locale is looking to be a very useful tool for the thousands of businesses building for Nigeria’s 200M+ population size. (2024-03-18, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[开发工具] Al-Safaa

Al-Safaa Hajj和Umra Trust致力于提供无与伦比的朝圣体验。我们的使命是以最大的关怀和奉献为前往麦加和麦地那圣城的旅程提供便利。该存储库在开发和维护增强我们服务的数字解决方案方面发挥着关键作用。
Al Safaa Hajj and Umra Trust is committed to providing an unparalleled pilgrimage experience. Our mission is to facilitate journeys to the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah with utmost care and devotion. This repository plays a crucial role in developing and maintaining the digital solutions that enhance our services. (2023-12-26, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)
