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[微服务] project_FD_Galluro

毕设项目-基于Spring Boot+Vue的永福茶园景观管理平台的设计与实现,
Completed project - design and implementation of Yongfu Tea Garden landscape management platform based on Spring Boot+Vue, (2023-08-26, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] enterprise-simulation

A game to simulate a corporate environment to help logistic students experience how it would be to administrate a company. The game was developed using Java Spring Boot for back-end. Mainly vue, js and css for front-end. PostgreSQL as DBMS. (2023-01-04, Vue, 894KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] appPublishFront

项目是 Spring Boot+vue开发的类似fir.im和蒲公英的企业 APP 分发平台,提供android app上传功能,以及ios和android二维码合并功能。用过可直接通过微信、浏览器、QQ等扫码下载app。
The project is an enterprise APP distribution platform similar to fir.im and dandelion developed by Spring Boot+vue, which provides the upload function of Android app and the combination function of ios and Android QR codes. After using it, you can download the app directly through WeChat, browser, QQ, etc. (2020-12-11, Vue, 472KB, 下载0次)
