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[DevOps] room_front

毕设展示(基于web的企业会议室预定系统)开源了 后端源码:https: github.com zou-hong-run room_back 前端源码:https: github.com zou-hong-run room_front webrtc服务:https: github.com zou-hong-run webrtc_one2one_many2many 对于webrtc不太熟悉的同学,可以看看我以前出的视频哈
Bi Design Display (web-based enterprise conference room reservation system) has open source back-end source code: https: github.com zou hong run room_back Front source code: https: github.com zou hong run room_front webrtc service: https: github.com zou hong run webrtc_one2one_many2many For students who are not familiar with webrtc, you can see my previous videos (2024-07-23, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] devops-platform-vue

devops-platform-vue 是一款企业级开发、效能、 运 维 平台。打通项目立项、研发、测试、发布、 运 维 等流程形成闭环。,
Devops platform vue is an enterprise level development, efficiency, operation and maintenance platform. Open the process of project initiation, R&D, testing, release, operation and maintenance to form a closed loop., (2022-12-09, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)
