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按分类查找All 数据库系统(5) 
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[数据库系统] AK-Dataknights

Arknights database for CN, EN, JP & KR servers built with Nuxt;《明日方舟》囯英日韩服数据库网站,
Arkights database for CN, EN, JP&KR servers build with Nuxt; The website of Tomorrow s Ark, (2023-10-08, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] asset-stock

This software is an asset inbound and outbound management system based on Vue and SpringBoot, supporting four core businesses: asset type maintenance, asset inbound and outbound, asset requisition outbound, and asset outbound audit. It is suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises to manage administrative office assets. The system provides a unique identifier for each asset file, which is used for various operations such as item warehousing and outbound (2022-11-08, Vue, 5126KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] asset-purchase

本软件是基于 Vue 和 SpringBoot 的资产采购管理系统,支持对资产供应商、资产品类、资产单位、资产出入库、资产明细、资产采购、资产报修数据进行维护,适用于中小企业管理行政办公资产。系统给每个资产档案提供一个唯一标识,对物品入库...
This software is an asset procurement management system based on Vue and SpringBoot, which supports the maintenance of asset suppliers, asset categories, asset units, asset inventory, asset details, asset procurement, and asset repair data. It is suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises to manage administrative office assets. The system provides a unique identifier for each asset file to store items (2022-11-08, Vue, 4469KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] weekly

The technical stack of the weekly report system is mainly node+vue+redis+mysql+es6, which is an enterprise management system. Enterprise employees report their weekly work status and completion status, and leaders at all levels can view and remind corresponding personnel who have not written weekly reports. The backend fully uses nodeJS, and the database uses mysql based on nodej (2022-12-12, Vue, 1332KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] zeus-admin

Zeus基于Golang Gin +casbin,致力于做企业统一权限&账号中心管理系统。包含账号管理,数据权限,功能权限,应用管理,多数据库适配,可docker 一键运行。社区活跃,版本迭代快,加群免费技术支持。
Zeus is based on Golang Gin+casbin and is committed to creating a unified enterprise permission and account center management system. Including account management, data permissions, functional permissions, application management, multi database adaptation, docker one click operation. Active community, fast version iteration, and free technical support for adding groups. (2022-09-08, Vue, 3315KB, 下载0次)
