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[打印编程] lab_4

编写程序,定义一个字符型二维数组用于表示你自己的网址收藏夹,用于保存自己常用网址的URL,假定最多可以保存30条。编写程序完成如下功能: 1)请将学校网址、学院网址或其它任意网址保存在数组中; 2)调用LabFunctions.cpp中的函数PrintStringArray,以列表方式输出自己的网址收藏夹内容,格式如下: 1 http://www.bjtu.edu.cn 2 http://computer.bjtu.edu.cn 3 …
Write a program to define a two-dimensional array used to represent the character your own site favorites, to save their common web site URL, assuming can save up to 30. Write a program performs the following functions: 1) Keep the school website, college or any other Web site stored in the array 2) the function call LabFunctions.cpp PrintStringArray, as a list of URLs favorites output their content, format is as follows: 1 http://www.bjtu.edu.cn 2 http://computer.bjtu.edu.cn 3 ... (2013-10-07, C/C++, 257KB, 下载5次)
