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[汇编语言] MPI-Exercise-answers

" Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology" _ Hong Yongqiang Exercise answers (2014-02-17, C/C++, 113KB, 下载4次)


[汇编语言] Desktop

企业发放的奖金根据利润提成。利润(I)低于或等于10万元时,奖金可提10 ;利润高     于10万元,低于20万元时,低于10万元的部分按10 提成,高于10万元的部分,可可提     成7.5 ;20万到40万之间时,高于20万元的部分,可提成5 ;40万到60万之间时高于     40万元的部分,可提成3 ;60万到100万之间时,高于60万元的部分,可提成1.5 ,高于     100万元时,超过100万元的部分按1 提成,从键盘输入当月利润I,求应发放奖金总数?
Corporate bonuses based on profit commission. Profit (I) is less than or equal to 10 million, the bonus can mention 10 high profits $ 100,000, less than 20 million, less than 10 million part of the 10 commission, higher than 10 million part of the cocoa mention Into 7.5 200000-400000, more than 20 million part of the commission 5 between 40 million to 60 million higher than the 40 million part of the commission 3 between 60 million to 100 million, more than 60 million part, to the commission of 1.5 , higher than the 1 million yuan, more than 100 million parts of 1 commission from the keyboard, enter the month profits I seek the total number of bonuses? (2012-04-27, C/C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[汇编语言] ASM

Compiled by MASM, display four chinese words "信工学院". (2011-11-23, C/C++, 95KB, 下载4次)


[汇编语言] UDS

Coffice coordination office management system standard version of the function modules, covers all enterprise users of business applications. Can help employees manage the daily office, the enterprise business processes within the organization institutionalization, standardization, and automated information delivery and reduce the consumption of services, achievement of project monitoring, creating collaborative office environment, enterprises to improve management efficiency, reduce operating costs, enhance long-term competitiveness of the right-hand man. (2010-09-26, C/C++, 12637KB, 下载30次)


[汇编语言] microprocessorprinciple

本书包括微机原理、汇编语言、接口技术方面的内容,共分12章,其中,第1章由辽 东学院信息技术学院的姜春霞老师编写,第2、3、12 章由山西运城学院的赵润林老师编写, 第4、5 章由辽宁省交通高等专科学校的徐雅娜老师编写,第6、11 章及附录由常州信息职 业技术学院的吕勇老师编写,第7 章由湖北经济学院的吴保荣老师编写,第8 章由莱芜职 业技术学院的吴兆红老师编写,第9章由郑州市中州大学的刘爱荣老师编写,第10章由辽 东学院信息技术学院的姜大为老师编写。全书由吕勇统稿。
microprocessor principle、asm language,interface of microcomputer system. (2009-09-25, C/C++, 8945KB, 下载4次)


[汇编语言] tushu

图书管理系统程序---简单的,很实用 二、SQL设置: 将在SQL2000下建立schooldata数据库,导入数据文件 三、导入数据: data目录下有school_back数据库备分文件 操作:用SQL企业管理器还原数据库来导入数据 访问本地数据库服务器,密码是自己设置的那个,操作schooldata数据库的用户名和密码相同。 主要用ADO访问数据库,和几个显示数据的控件Treectrl,listctrl,datagrid等程序中有几个BUG还没解决, 四、实现功能: 操作:在选择查询条件:选择一个,tree控件里显示相关信
Library management system--- simple procedure, it is practical (2009-07-02, C/C++, 193KB, 下载8次)


[汇编语言] LCD1602_PDF_cn

the use of LCD1602 (2009-04-29, C/C++, 682KB, 下载4次)
