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[数据库系统] employeeManage

Enterprise employee management system, using Qt development tool to realize the information management of employees and employees 'salaries (2018-05-12, C/C++, 5790KB, 下载13次)


[数据库系统] pdm070802

PDM for Linux是一款面向中小企业而设计的数据备份软件,安装简单操作容易,用户只需在PDM服务器上安装好服务器端,即可直接备份和恢复局域网内所有windows共享文件、NFS共享文件、MySql数据库,无需安装客户端和控制台.控制台使用B/S方式,使用浏览器来实现对PDM服务器的管理.
PDM for Linux is a designed for small and medium-sized data backup software, simple and easy to install, users simply PDM server installed server-side, you can direct LAN backup and restore all windows to share files, NFS were enjoy the paper, MySql database, do not need to install client and console. console using the B/S mode, use the browser to realize on the PDM server management. (2008-02-24, C/C++, 4379KB, 下载43次)


[数据库系统] QQ聊天圣手源码

QQ Chat masters source QQ Chat masters FO (2004-11-03, C/C++, 12KB, 下载68次)
