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[远程控制/远程桌面] xdisp_virt-master

这是基于windows平台的远程桌面控制程序最新版本(版本二)。 提供远程控制,支持摄像头,多路音频,推流, 以及能在远程桌面顺畅的观看视频,玩游戏等多媒体娱乐功能。 被控制端支持的平台包括 windows系列(从 XP,WIN7, WIN8, WIN10)。 控制端支持原生客户端,也支持网页客户端。 网页客户端支持的浏览器包括Chrome,FireFox,Apple Safari,Microsoft Edge,Opera等具备现代功能的浏览器, 不支持IE以及IE内核浏览器。网页客户端不限平台,几乎所有操作系统平台都支持(包括移动平台和PC平台)。 网络传输既支持不加密的明文传输;也支持SSL加密传输,为数据传输带来安全保证。
This is the latest version of remote desktop control program based on Windows platform (version 2). Provide remote control, support camera, multi-channel audio, streaming, And can be in the remote desktop smoothly watch video, play games and other multimedia entertainment functions. The platforms supported by the control end include windows series (from XP, win7, win8, win10). The control terminal supports both native client and web client. The web client supports browsers such as chrome, Firefox, apple Safari, Microsoft edge, opera and other browsers with modern functions, IE and IE kernel browser are not supported. Web client is not limited to platforms, and almost all operating system platforms support it (including mobile platform and PC platform). Network transmission not only supports plaintext transmission without encryption, but also supports SSL encrypted transmission, which brings security guarantee for data transmission. (2020-08-21, C/C++, 15510KB, 下载11次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] pcshare

Enterprise Custom Edition, Remote Control Software (2019-05-05, C/C++, 39948KB, 下载21次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] Ball

best business management software source code. Gh0st3.6 custom service name+ fro (2012-10-09, C/C++, 4289KB, 下载21次)
