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[企业管理] v16

韩国商城购物MORNING MALL v1 0 商城汉化修正版
South Korea shopping MORNING MALL v10 modified Chinese version (2018-12-19, PHP-PERL, 1459KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] most-teat

我的一个网友写的PHP下面的zip类 最适合PHP做网上办公系统和提供网站管理程序,
One of my netizens wrote that the zip class under PHP is the most suitable for PHP to do the online office system and provide the website management program. (2018-12-19, PHP-PERL, 3KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] mymqn

Great forum php mysql linux (2018-12-19, PHP-PERL, 644KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] srnzgq10

The core mechanism of community written as graduation design ~ takes the tree distribution as the theme, provides various interfaces to extend ~ use AJAX to present the best interaction, and can be used as the basic work of deep community development.
The core mechanism of community written as graduation design ~ takes the tree distribution as the theme, provides various interfaces to extend ~ use AJAX to present the best interaction, and can be used as the basic work of deep community development. (2018-12-19, PHP-PERL, 38KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] 8772381

一款很不错的项目流程管理软件的源代码 一款很不错的项目流程管理软件的源代码
A very good source code of the project process management software, a very good source code of the project process management software. (2018-12-19, PHP-PERL, 272KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] desugger_cache

A simple login management program, developed in PHP, can be used for professional community management, (2018-12-19, PHP-PERL, 831KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] osenafd

A practical charging system for film and television is of great help to friends who want to open film and television websites.
A practical charging system for film and television is of great help to friends who want to open film and television websites. (2018-12-19, PHP-PERL, 318KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] thepcge

A PHP written by the FLASH poll of the small software, can be embedded in the web page
A PHP written by the FLASH poll of the small software, can be embedded in the web page (2018-12-19, PHP-PERL, 122KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] ecmmercial

Web editor eWebEditor38 commercial edition (2018-12-19, PHP-PERL, 458KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] messjgeclassyates

PHP prepared a message book, this message book is my classmates to develop, if there are deficiencies, please teach more! (2018-12-19, PHP-PERL, 376KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] AlstraSoftAutoresponderPro

软件介绍 可在企业的站点上创建一套自动应答业务的系统,自动回复例行性的商业文书或是客户服务回条,来节省大量时间进而提高企业的销售额
Software introduction To create a set of automatic answering service system in the enterprise site, automatic recovery routine business documents or receipt of customer service is to save a lot of time and improve the sales of the enterprise (2016-05-09, PHP-PERL, 2222KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] MYOA

1、激活企业硬件投资,整合系统与网络资源 2、突破工作沟通、交流障碍,沟通、交流快捷有效 3、建立企业内部门户,统一信息发布平台,消除信息混乱 4、工作流子系统,实现跨部门协同工作,提升工作效率,加强业务规范 5、全面的组织机构与人力资源管理,监控工作绩效,工作任务实时督办 6、知识管理,打破信息孤岛,实现知识、经验的随时积累、充分利用 7、提高内部资源利用率,降低办公与企业运营成本 8、创造数字化办公环境,实现全球化远程办公和移动办公 9、全方位掌控客户资源,稳定客户关系,提升客户服务质量 10、规范信息管理,多极权限控制,确保信息安全
1, the activation enterprise hardware investment, integration of system and network resources 2, a breakthrough work of communication, communication barriers, communication, communicate efficiently and effectively 3, the establishment of the enterprise portal, unified information platform to eliminate the confusion of messages 4, the workflow subsystem, to achieve inter-departmental working together to enhance work efficiency and enhance business norms 5, a comprehensive organizational structure and human resources management, monitoring work performance, work in real-time supervision mission 6, knowledge management, breaking the information isolation and achieving the knowledge, experience, accumulated at any time, make full use of 7, improve the utilization of internal resources, reduce operating costs and corporate office 8, the creation of digital office environment, realize globalization, remote office and mobile office 9, omni-directional control of client resourc (2009-02-13, PHP-PERL, 25249KB, 下载19次)
