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[*行业应用] beeyee_Free

库存管理系统实验指导书 ------库存业务管理系统 一、前言 管理信息系统是一门实践性很强的专业课。为了使同学们在学习本课程的同时能有机会实践,特安排一个实验,即企业库存业务管理系统,这个系统以某企业ERP中物料供应管理为背景,适当作了简化。 通过这个实验,希望同学们能进一步掌握企业信息系统的分析与设计方法,同时培养多人协作完成一项工程的合作精神。
inventory management system--- experimental guidance on inventory management system for a business, the making of management information systems is a practice in the professional course. To enable students to learn in the curriculum at the same time have the opportunity to practice, a special experimental arrangement, which means that enterprises inventory management system, the system in an enterprise ERP supplies management background, proper has been simplified. Through this experiment, students can better understand the enterprise information system analysis and design methods, and train people to complete a project in collaboration spirit of cooperation. (2005-07-06, PHP-PERL, 2935KB, 下载15次)
