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[搜索引擎] Into-the-black-hat-seo

Black hat seo is a very important role in the establishment of corporate brand and corporate reputation. Most of the time, black hat seohttp ://www.heimaoxuexi.com operation not let the name of the site itself has a good ranking, but to make the site a good keyword ranking performance. For example, we need to Tianjin, a bearing manufacturer to search engine optimization, we are not the make the plant "Tianjin certain bearing plant" as a keyword, but the "bearing" and all related words as the optimization target long tail . Once the majority of "bearing" vocabulary into the forefront of the search results of major search engines, so soon, the name of the plant is also remembered dealers and agents. (2014-07-24, PHP-PERL, 5KB, 下载3次)
