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[手机短信编程] playsms-1.4.2.tar

PlaySMS是一个灵活的基于web的短信平台,可连接短信网关、个人信息系统以及企业的群组通讯工具等。 功能亮点: ?多个数据库引擎支持(使用PHP PEAR DB ) ?发送短信到单一的移动电话( web2mobile ) ?发送短信广播到一组手机( web2mobiles ,短信群发) ?支持发送文字,闪存和unicode消息 ?能够处理大量的短信( 500K短信包月)
PlaySMS is a flexible SMS platform based on Web, which can connect SMS gateway personal information system and enterprise group communication tools Functional highlights Multiple database engine support (using PHP PEAR DB) Sending SMS to a single mobile phone (web2mobile) Sending SMS messages to a group of mobile phones (web2mobiles, SMS group) support to send text, flash, and Unicode messages Able to handle large amounts of SMS (500K SMS monthly) (2018-07-02, PHP, 6092KB, 下载5次)


[手机短信编程] rmtclient

免费的非常好用和稳定的短信集成接口。 内附有详细的说明文档。 瑞动力致力于全国企业短信终极提供商,两年多以来,服务了国内许多的各型企业,凭借专业和优质的服务,客户满意度一直很高。
Free SMS is very nice and stable integration interface. Enclosed is the detailed documentation. Power is committed to the national enterprise messaging ultimate provider, since more than two years, many kinds of service for the domestic enterprises, relying on professional and high quality service, customer satisfaction has been high. (2016-04-17, PHP, 21KB, 下载3次)


[手机短信编程] XT_SMS_v2011_SC_UTF-8

Tencent SMS group sending system is SMS products series of client software version, completely breaks the traditional mode of mass SMS group sending, personalized unique features make the distinction. Xunteng SMS group sending system dynamic SMS unique powerful, can fundamentally meet the demand of enterprise internal management, customer communication and interaction, business applications, accurate delivery, high publicity, improve efficiency and create value. (2016-04-14, PHP, 862KB, 下载2次)
