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[其他书籍] beginning_joomla!_second_edition

Joomla!是一套在国外相当知名的内容管理系统(Content Management System, CMS),它属于Portal(企业入口网站)类型,顾名思义,就是比较适合作为商业类型的网站程序。一般人对这类型的内容管理系统可能会有以下的别名来称呼:   ■ 架站程序(或软件)   ■ 快速架站程序(或软件)   ■ 整站程序   Joomla!是使用PHP语言加上MySQL数据库所开发的软件系统,可以在Linux、 Windows、MacOSX等各种不同的平台上执行。目前是由Open Source Matters (www.opensourcematters.org)这个开放源码组织进行开发与支持,这个组织的成员来自全世界各地,小组成员约有150人,包含了开发者、设计者、系统管理者、文件撰写者,以及超过2万名的参与会员。 本书是学习joomla的最新资料,2009年3月出版,从基础开始,能够知道你了解并使用 joomla!
Joomla!, exclamation point and all, is one of the most searched–for and hired–for open source content management systems in the world. Since 2007, the combination of Joomla! and Dan Rahmel’s bestselling Beginning Joomla!, From Novice to Professional have made it so that all you have to do is read a single book to learn how to build sites that take community–authored content and turn it instantly into published web pages with all the latest features like rich templating, community member profile management, forums, photo management, and article commenting. Now revised and updated for the new Joomla! 1.6, this second edition “job–in–a–book” provides the solid core of know–how that you’ll need to get the most out of your Joomla! deployment, written to fully exploit the features of latest version of Joomla!. More than just a simple “build a toy web site” guide, Beginning Joomla!, Second Edition will give you a wealth of life–saving tips, tricks, tools, and fixes that experienced Joomla! (2009-09-13, PHP, 23580KB, 下载20次)
