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[3G/4G/5G开发] nomade

ceci est une projet d une应用程序流媒体游牧民développépar l企业MAZAVA mais j aegalement contribuéet amélioréen dédeveloppant特定代码ainsi que déevelopper une应用移动Flutter pour mon项目许可证
ceci est une projet d une application streaming nomade développé par l entreprise MAZAVA mais j ai également contribué et amélioré en développant certain code ainsi que développer une application mobile Flutter pour mon projet Licence (2024-06-01, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[3G/4G/5G开发] douyin-novel-miniprogram

The dithering novel applet is developed using Linux+Nginx+Golang+PHP+React+MySQL+Redis. It mainly realizes novel reading, user analysis, data statistics and other functions. The system supports both payment modes (recharge book currency or recharge member, both can coexist). At present, the project has been launched. Compared with other novel applets on the market, we only do dithering. The applet interface is developed by golang, with better concurrent performance. A single 2-core 4G server (5M bandwidth) can meet the initial development and use of enterprises (2024-01-08, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)
