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[android开发] 千月影视

家哆影视 推荐环境: (阿里云)宝塔服务器,nginx-1.16,mysql-5.6,php-7.2 1.使用N++软件批量修改默认的域名与软件名字,修改为自己的 默认域名:ik.opoke.cn 默认软件名字:家哆影视 (2022-06-09, PHP, 108701KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] 12306yupiao

Android项目源码12306火车票余票实时查询项目是一个火车票查询项目源码,使用把字符串直接带入https://kyfw.12306.cn/otn/lcxxcx/query?purpose_codes=ADULT&queryDate= +date+ &from_station= +start+ &to_station= 的方式查询火车票信息。查询信息与12306实时同步。内置了12306网站的所有城市代码。
Android source code projects 12306 train tickets more than real-time query project is a train ticket query project source code, using the string directly into https://kyfw.12306.cn/otn/lcxxcx/query? Purpose Purpose_codes=ADULT& queryDate=+date+ & from_station= & from_station=+start+ & to_station= & to_station= way to query the train ticket information. Query information and 12306 real time synchronization. Built in 12306 sites of all the city code. (2016-05-17, PHP, 1020KB, 下载1次)


[android开发] tongxunlu

一个适用于Android手机客户端的企业通讯录PHP程序,可向企业员工随时随地的提供通讯录信息,用户可在手机端实时查看人员联系方式并快捷拨打电话。用户名:admin   密码:123456   手机下载客户端,可以直接登录系统。实时的查看通讯录,管理通讯录。
A mobile client for Android enterprise directory PHP program can be made to employees to provide directory information anytime, anywhere, users can view real-time staff in the mobile terminal contact and quick call. Username: admin password: 123456 mobile download client, you can directly log into the system. Real-time view contacts, manage contacts. (2013-06-05, PHP, 123KB, 下载12次)


[android开发] 3D

3D entertainment games- 3D maze (2012-05-17, PHP, 2292KB, 下载11次)
