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按分类查找All PHP编程(45) 
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[PHP编程] ProxCP

ProxCP is the premier Proxmox control panel for hosting providers and enterprise users. (2024-04-20, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] PHP-MVC-CRUD-FlashMessage-Search-MySQL-PDOdriver

特点:1。原油到Mysql 2。闪信3。基于nama的搜索数据
Feature : 1. CRUD to Mysql 2. Flash Message 3. Search Data based on nama (2024-01-08, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] BasicLibrary

This is an enterprise class php library., (2023-09-12, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] calendar-holidays-yasumi

Bridge for Aeon Calendar Holidays library and Yasumi, (2023-08-29, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] DouPHP_v1.5.2020.0403

DouPHP is a lightweight enterprise website management system, which is based on PHP+MYSQL architecture. It includes mobile phone version, official account management module and small program, and it can be used to build an enterprise website quickly. (2020-04-20, PHP, 2941KB, 下载6次)


[PHP编程] yuyuecms_v1.3.9

鱼跃CMS是一款专业面向企业应用的内容管理系统,由Catfish(鲶鱼) CMS系统官方制作发布,本系统继承了鲶鱼CMS的诸多优点,同时又有着自身独特的优秀品质。十分契合企业网站建设和管理,为企业快速高效构建对外平台提供了强有力的保障,是企业建站的不二选择。
Yuyue CMS is a professional content management system for enterprise applications, which is officially produced and released by catfish CMS system. This system inherits many advantages of catfish CMS and has its own unique excellent quality. It is very suitable for the construction and management of enterprise website and provides a strong guarantee for the rapid and efficient construction of external platform, which is the only choice for enterprise to build a station. (2020-04-20, PHP, 2768KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] welive_v6.0.0

WeLive是一个企业级的在线客服系统, 程序小巧使用简单
Welive is an enterprise level online customer service system, which is small and easy to use (2020-04-17, PHP, 1117KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] anyoucms-v8.1

安优企业建站系统(anyoucms)面向服务对象主要针对 企业,自助建站 简单,安全,个性化,人性化, 数据自由扩展性,无系统漏洞,无模版引擎。数据库预设自由字段,理论支持任何形式的站点。
Anyoucms (anyoucms) is a service-oriented system for enterprises. It is simple, safe, personalized, user-friendly, data free and extensible, no system vulnerability, no template engine. Database default free field, theory support any form of site. (2020-04-08, PHP, 6726KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] 网盘搜索引擎v1.3

全能网盘搜索引擎是一款基于PHP编写的程序,可以实现搜索的网盘有:度网盘,115网盘,新浪微盘,城通网盘 的资源
Almighty web disk search engine is a program written based on PHP. The web disks that can be searched are: degree web disk, 115 web disk, Sina micro disk, and Chengtong web disk (2020-04-02, PHP, 61KB, 下载8次)


[PHP编程] yx

The game platform recharge payment source code is a perpetual payment template. As long as 90% of the sites and programs in the mysql database support this template (2020-03-16, PHP, 763KB, 下载1次)


[PHP编程] em

The corporate address book management system provides corporate address book information to employees at any time and place. Users can check the contact information of people on the mobile phone in real time and make phone calls to improve the overall internal communication efficiency. (2020-03-14, PHP, 301KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] 66328永和首页PC官网代理V5.9.3 原版

自适应网站 支持电脑和手机访问,多个模板
Adaptive website supports computer and mobile access, multiple templates (2020-03-11, PHP, 5418KB, 下载1次)


[PHP编程] fannuo_3.4_FREE

Fano enterprise website management system PHP is an enterprise website management system based on PHP + mysql. Support IIS / Apache / nginx, pH (2020-02-16, PHP, 4451KB, 下载1次)


[PHP编程] 通讯录管理系统源码

EML是一款面向企业的通讯录管理系统,本次版本为经典版,用户通过EML可在手机端实时查看人员联系方式,拨打电话等,提高企业内部沟通效率。EML PHP企业通讯录系统主要功能有:用户管理(添加用户,删除用户用户,更新用户资料);通讯录管理(添加通讯录,更新通讯录,删除),个人中心,配置管理等。   eml企业通讯录管理系统经典版 v5.4.9功能描述:用户管理、通讯录管理、角色管理、个人中心、配置管理。
EML is an enterprise-oriented address book management system. This version is a classic version. Users can check the contact information of people in real time on the mobile phone through EML, dial the phone and so on, so as to improve the efficiency of internal communication. The main functions of EML PHP enterprise address book system are: user management (add users, delete users, update user information); address book management (add additions, update address books, delete), personal center, configuration management, etc. (2019-05-13, PHP, 284KB, 下载3次)


[PHP编程] caigou

Enterprise Material Purchasing Management System Based on PHP+MySQL (2019-03-12, PHP, 466KB, 下载8次)


[PHP编程] 1

PHP Cloud Talent System Official Edition is a compact and practical Chinese user-specific enterprise recruitment solution (2018-12-04, PHP, 17834KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] xinhu_utf8_v1.7.8

信呼OA在线演示 浏览次数(98356),最后更新(2018-04-12 21:55:19) 欢迎使用在线演示。点击一下链接直接登录,建议使用火狐(Firefox),谷歌(Chrome),IE9.0+浏览器下演示。 帐号:admin(总管理员) 帐号:diaochan、xiaoqiao、daqiao、zhangfei、zhaozl(基础用户) 密码都是:123456 1、信呼管理后台演示【点我登录演示】 2、信呼OA移动端演示,【点我登录演示】 3、信呼APP演示,【去下载】 注:不得在系统上发布任何无聊信息。
OA online demo Browse times (98356), and finally update (2018-04-12 21:55:19). Welcome to use online demo. Click on the link to login directly, suggest using Firefox, Google (Chrome) and IE9.0+ browser to demonstrate. Account number: admin (general administrator) Accounts: Diaochan, Xiaoqiao, Daqiao, zhangfei, zhaozl (basic user) The password is all: 123456 1, letter and call management background demonstration [point I login to demonstrate] 2, letter call OA mobile terminal demo, [point I login to demonstrate] 3, APP demo, [downloading] Note: no boring information should be released on the system. (2018-07-19, PHP, 2753KB, 下载2次)


[PHP编程] www-王志浩网站-易信模板-201406120830

Full backstage and front desk. Atmosphere enterprise website, brief introduction, beautiful. (2018-03-17, PHP, 11743KB, 下载3次)


[PHP编程] eml_5.1

EML enterprise address book management system provides enterprise directory information to employees anytime and anywhere. Users can real-time view the way of personnel contact on the mobile phone side, dial the phone and improve the internal communication efficiency. (2017-12-09, PHP, 546KB, 下载6次)


[PHP编程] xinhu_utf8_1.6.2

Xin Hu is a free open source collaborative office system. It is a streamlined, convenient and convenient management software for all large and medium sized enterprises' general online office management system, so that every business unit has its own office system. (2017-12-09, PHP, 2716KB, 下载4次)
