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[数值算法/人工智能] DSMall-open

DSMall商城系统是基于ThinkPhp6.0+Uniapp开发的一套完善的B2B2C(多店铺商城)电商系统,DSMall商城系统能够快速积累客户、会员数据分析、智能转化客户、 有效提高销售、会员维护、网络营销的一款企业级应用,功能包含拼团、砍价、秒杀、优惠券、积分、分销、刮刮卡等功能,更适合企业二次开发
DSMall Mall system is a complete B2B2C (multi store mall) e-commerce system developed based on ThinkPa6.0+Uniapp. DSMall Mall system can quickly accumulate customers, analyze member data, intelligently transform customers, effectively improve sales, maintain members, and network marketing. Its functions include group competition, price bargaining, instant killing, coupons, points, distribution, scratch cards and other functions, which are more suitable for enterprise secondary development (2024-02-18, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] DSShop-open

DSShop商城系统是基于ThinkPhp6.0+Uniapp开发的一套完善的B2C(单店铺商城)电商系统,DSShop商城系统能够快速积累客户、会员数据分析、智能转化客户、 有效提高销售、会员维护、网络营销的一款企业级应用,功能包含拼团、砍价、秒杀、优惠券、积分、分销、刮刮卡等功能,更适合企业二次开发
The DSShop Mall system is a complete B2C (single store mall) e-commerce system developed based on ThinkPa6.0+Uniapp. The DSShop Mall system can quickly accumulate customers, analyze member data, intelligently transform customers, effectively improve sales, maintain members, and conduct online marketing. Its functions include group competition, bargaining, instant killing, coupons, points, distribution, scratch cards and other functions, which are more suitable for enterprise secondary development (2024-02-18, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] cloudflare-enterprise-cache-wp-plugin

Automation for managing Cloudflare enterprise cache for WordPress sites (2024-02-15, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] kevlar

Kevlar is a highly customizable caching system for Magento Enterprise Edition. (2015-08-13, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] scmandsmsystem

Supply Chain Management and Sales Monitoring System for JEF Enterprises , (2015-07-27, PHP, 8477KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] mambo45-Golden-cn

软件介绍 Mambo v4.5.2.3 简体中文黄金版 + Mambo v4.5.2简体中文黄金版视觉优化补丁 + Mambo v4.5.2-v4.5.2.3 简体中文黄金版补丁
Software introduction V4.5.2.3 Mambo simplified Chinese version of the Chinese version of the simplified Chinese version of the gold+ V4.5.2 Mambo simplified Chinese version of the simplified Chinese version of the visual optimization patch+ v4.5.2-v4.5.2.3 Mambo simplified Chinese version of the gold patch (2016-05-09, PHP, 2118KB, 下载1次)


[数值算法/人工智能] SugarCRM-LangPack-zh_cn-6.5.2

SugarCE-Full-6.5.8 of the Chinese language pack (2015-07-20, PHP, 536KB, 下载4次)
