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[Java编程] axcms5

一、中英文全后台的企业管理系统,傻瓜似的安装。 管理员管理,可以新增管理员及修改管理员密码;数据库备份,为保证您的数据安全本系统采用了数据库备份功能;上传文件管理,管理你增加产品时上传的图片及其他文件。
First, the whole background of the Chinese and English enterprise management system, fool-like installation. Administrator management, you can add the administrator and modify the administrator password backup, in order to ensure the security of your data The system uses a backup feature upload file management, you increase the product upload pictures and other files. (2016-12-27, PHP, 1028KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] shopex

ShopEx 商店系统安装步骤: 【第一步】:将安装包中所有的文件夹和文件用ftp工具以二进制方式上传至服务器空间 (如果您不知如何设置ftp工具的二进制方式,可以查看:(http://www.shopex.cn/support/qa/setup.help.717.html) 【第二步】:在浏览器中输入 http://您的商店域名/install 进行安装界面进行安装即可。 注:如果http://您的商店域名/install 无法找到网页,您可以尝试使用http://您的商店域名/install/index.php 进入安装界面。
ShopEx shop system installation steps: 【first】: The installation package of all the folders and files in binary mode with ftp tool to upload to the server space (If you do not know how to set binary mode ftp tool, you can view: (http :// www.shopex.cn/support/qa/setup.help.717.html)】 【next step: in the browser, enter http:// domain name of your store/install installation interface can be installed. Note: If your store http:// domain/install can not find the page, you can try to use http:// to your store domain/install/index.php enter the installation interface. (2010-02-25, PHP, 10519KB, 下载47次)


[Java编程] 08

Blog management system to provide people express their personal feelings, have good interpersonal communication platform, blog has real content, you can record through the blog to work, study, live and play, bit by bit, as well as published articles and reviews, resulting in establishment of a full-line of their own personal world, become the Internet' s most personalized and popularization of the personal exhibition space. (2009-11-25, PHP, 1048KB, 下载4次)
