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[ICQ/即时通讯] 聊天系统DuckChat

软件简介 DuckChat 是一款开源、可私有部署的即时通讯IM系统,类似于私人部署的微信,是基于开源阿卡信的升级优化版本,增强了用户对自定义业务的支持,并且能够支持全端客户端。 IM(即时通讯)是一个实时通信系统,允许两人或多人使用网络实时的传递文字消息、文件、语音与视频交流,当前的主流APP当中无一例外均会使用到IM功能,如何让IM更简单,让用户更容易就拥有自己的即时通讯功能?这就是DuckChat诞生的目的之一:让即时通讯更简单。
Software introduction Duckchat is an open-source, privately deployable instant messaging IM system, similar to the privately deployed wechat. It is an upgraded and optimized version based on the open-source akaxin, which enhances the user's support for custom business and supports all end clients. (2021-03-12, PHP, 4908KB, 下载0次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] umebiz

Support, including the grand, Tencent QQ, perfect, NINETOWNS, demons and other online games more than 200 kinds of direct storage (automatic recharge function) (2016-12-15, PHP, 939KB, 下载3次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] chats

The main achievement of the module features a chat room, following the completion of several major tasks: (1) provide a list of users, and will update the user list to reflect the users to join and leave, for the user, do not need to know each other s IP addresses (2) only need to set up and connection to the server, sending the first data to the server can (3) storage of all of the chat client information, from server to transmit content related to other chat clients, so even if a line customers can access through the server to the content of chat can also be added on the basis of the management to send the contents of the functions of a public notice, or other entertainment features such as song, video and so on. (2009-07-05, PHP, 35KB, 下载7次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] chat

sns community entertainment, uchome chat plug-ins. (2009-04-26, PHP, 3KB, 下载70次)
