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[界面编程] zabbix-3.0.3.tar

Zabbix is a WEB based interface to provide distributed system monitoring and network monitoring capabilities of enterprise class open source solutions. Zabbix can monitor all kinds of network parameters, ensure the safe operation of the server system, and provide a flexible notification mechanism to allow the system administrator to quickly locate/solve various problems. (2016-05-23, PHP, 15046KB, 下载5次)


[界面编程] toolxpay

8月10日有朋友反应界面不是很好看,感谢 (积木工厂 www.ill-gameworks.cn)提供这个风格同时也换了个点 增加了点小功能 有需要的朋友可以换上。 使用方法只要能调用图片的地方都可以调用
In August 10th, a friend of the reaction interface is not very good, thanks to (building block factory www.ill-gameworks.cn) to provide this style at the same time also changed a little bit to increase the need for a small feature can be replaced by a friend. Using the method as long as you can call the picture where you can call (2016-04-20, PHP, 38KB, 下载1次)
