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[云开放平台] lemon

A platform as a backstage management system for enterprise., (2021-06-30, Less, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] cccms

CCCMS是基于ThinkPHP8 和Arco Design Vue 开发的一套CMS管理系统,非常适用快速二次开发,内置系统权限管理、系统操作日志等基本功能。满足绝大多数企业日常需求。,
CCCMS is a set of CMS management system developed based on ThinkPaHP8 and Arco Design Vue, which is very suitable for rapid secondary development. It has built-in system authority management, system operation log and other basic functions. Meet the daily needs of most enterprises., (2023-08-02, Less, 0KB, 下载0次)


[博客] mediawiki-skins-Citizen

A beautiful, usable, responsive MediaWiki skin with in-depth extension support. Originally developed for the Star Citizen Wiki. (2023-07-03, Less, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] JavaScript-Widgets

Syncfusion Essential JavaScript是80多个企业级HTML5 JavaScript组件的综合集合...
Syncfusion Essential JavaScript is a comprehensive collection of over 80+ enterprise-grade HTML5 JavaScript components for building modern web applications. (2022-12-21, Less, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] tiny-vue

企业级UI组件库,支持Vue.js 2和Vue.js3,以及PC和移动设备。
An enterprise-class UI component library, support both Vue.js 2 and Vue.js 3, as well as PC and mobile. (2023-06-15, Less, 22010KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ngx-uikit

ngx-uikit 是一个 Angular UI 组件库,主要用于研发企业级中后台产品。全部代码开源并遵循 MIT 协议,任何企业、组织及个人均可免费使用。
Ngx uikit is an Angular UI component library, which is mainly used to develop enterprise level middle and background products. All codes are open source and follow the MIT agreement. Any enterprise, organization and individual can use them for free. (2021-06-30, Less, 570KB, 下载0次)
