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[微服务] jvs-apply-document

【企业级在线文档】,解决企业内部文档编辑、知识沉淀、知识协同等痛点。项目主要采用Java开发,基础框架采用JVS(spring cloud+Vue)。适用场景:适用于个人、团队、企业使用,提供云笔记、个人知识沉淀、在线产品手册、团队内部知识库、在线电子教程、全文内容搜索、C...,
[Enterprise level online documents], to solve the pain points of enterprise internal document editing, knowledge precipitation, knowledge collaboration, etc. The project is mainly developed in Java, and the basic framework is JVS (spring cloud+Vue). Applicable scenarios: suitable for individuals, teams and enterprises, providing cloud notes, personal knowledge precipitation, online product manuals, team internal knowledge base, online electronic tutorials, full-text content search, C, (2023-09-14, PLpgSQL, 0KB, 下载0次)
