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[手机彩信(MMS)编程] python-messaging

纯PHTHON写的短信彩信的编码解码源代码, 支持7位/8位/UCS2编码 支持长短信 状态报告
A SMS/MMS encoder/decoder written 100 in Python. SMS Features ============ * Supports 7bit, 8bit and UCS2 encodings * Multipart encoding/decoding * Status report encoding/decoding * Relative validity * Alphanumeric address decoding * Supports python 2.5 up to 3.2 * Tests MMS Features ============ * SMIL support * Main formats supported: jpg, gif, arm, 3gp, midi, etc. * Supports MMS 1.0-1.4 decoding/encoding * Supports python 2.5 up to 3.2 * Tests (2011-12-26, Python, 512KB, 下载10次)


[手机彩信(MMS)编程] jythonMMS

python prepared MMS Gateway, the underlying call to send and receive MMS mm7api_V1.5.3_20040621.jar Development Kit (2010-09-06, Python, 3960KB, 下载3次)
