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[医药行业] jiuyuan_medical_dataset

面向家庭常见疾病的知识图谱涵盖了常见医疗相关信息,包括常见疾病、症状、治疗手段、常用药物、推荐食谱等方面的内容。在目前新冠疫情流行的大环境下,以医疗知识图谱为基础的问答系统旨在让大众足不出户即可对疾病的进行初步判断、用药以改善病情。源数据集地址:http: data.openkg.cn dataset medicalgraph
The knowledge map for common family diseases covers common medical information, including common diseases, symptoms, treatment methods, commonly used drugs, recommended recipes, etc. In the current context of the epidemic of COVID-19, the question and answer system based on the medical knowledge map aims to enable the public to make preliminary judgments on diseases and use drugs to improve their conditions without leaving home. Source dataset address: http: data.openkg.cn dataset medicalgraph (2024-05-16, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)
