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[视频/语音聊天] AnalyticsBot

AnalyticsBot是一个强大的分析工具,旨在提供WhatsApp业务交互的见解。它从WhatsApp Business API收集数据,分析消息性能、客户参与度和趋势,并生成详细的报告,以帮助企业做出明智的决策。
AnalyticsBot is a powerful analytics tool designed to provide insights into WhatsApp Business interactions. It collects data from WhatsApp Business API, analyzes message performance, customer engagement, and trends, and generates detailed reports to help businesses make informed decisions. (2024-03-16, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[视频/语音聊天] Expense-Analysis

“Expense Analysis”Python项目是一个用户友好的工具,旨在为企业简化支出管理。它简化了记录...,
The "Expense Analysis" Python project is a user-friendly tool designed for businesses to streamline expense management. It simplifies record-keeping and offers insightful graphical representations, such as pie charts and bar graphs. Notably, it enables businesses to perform comparative analyses based on historical expenses within their industry. (2023-10-03, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[视频/语音聊天] chatbot

Create WhatsApp and Messenger chatbots for your business and have them to interact with your backend (2021-11-01, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[视频/语音聊天] whatsapp_bomber

This repository is a python based WhatsApp bomber. which is only build for fun and educational purpose. (2020-12-22, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)
