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按分类查找All 论文(12) 
按平台查找All Python(12) 

[论文] ai-communities

The splits are the repos of the collected papers and written code based on Datawhale (Hangzhou, China) and done with InternLM (书生), wisemodel.cn (始智), ModelScope (魔搭) and AtomGit (开放原子). (2024-05-15, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] Interactive-learning-hub

This Python program features games like "Rock, Paper, Scissors" & "Guess the Number" for fun, and quizzes in Maths, English & General Knowledge for learning. Interactive and user-friendly, it s perfect for both entertainment and education. (2024-03-18, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] AGCN_Event_Classification

Point-Voxel Absorbing Graph Representation Learning for Event Stream based Recognition. Jiang, Bo and Yuan, Chengguo and Wang, Xiao and Bao, Zhimin and Zhu, Lin and Tian, Yonghong and Tang, Jin (2023). arXiv:2306.05239. (2024-01-08, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] Python-Games

Welcome to the Python Game Collection Repository! This repository hosts a diverse collection of Python-based games for entertainment and learning purposes. From classics like rock-paper-scissors to advanced games such as blackjack and turtle racing, explore various programming concepts through these engaging games. (2023-12-11, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] CifarModelTrainingFramework

为了一劳永逸地解决 CIFAR 数据集模型训练问题,本文借鉴了多篇论文的模型训练代码,编写了基于 pytorch 的 CIFAR 数据集模型训练框架(在此我们简单的将该框架称为 CMTF)。在代码编写过程中,我发现 CMTF 可能对低性能的 GPU 设备更友好。CMTF 采...
In order to solve the problem of CIFAR dataset model training once and for all, this paper draws on the model training code of several papers and compiles a model training framework for CIFAR dataset based on pythoch (here we simply call this framework CMTF). During the coding process, I found that CMTF may be more friendly to GPU devices with low performance. CMTF acquisition (2023-04-16, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] scihub-cn

Scihub paper downloader available in domestic environment (2023-07-20, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] Simple-Games

3 games in one python program, made for fun and still learning. Rock paper scissors, random number game and, (2021-12-12, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] ofa-for-super-resolution

Image downscaling & super-resolution project based on "Once for All: Train One Network and Specialize it for Efficient Deployment" (ICLR 2020) (2021-07-01, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] GAN-LTH

[ICLR 2021]陈旭禧、张振宇、隋永铎、陈天龙,《甘斯也会玩彩票》,
[ICLR 2021] "GANs Can Play Lottery Too" by Xuxi Chen, Zhenyu Zhang, Yongduo Sui, Tianlong Chen, (2022-02-18, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] CN-DPM

ICLR 2020论文“用于无任务连续学习的神经Dirichlet过程混合模型”的官方代码,
Official code for ICLR 2020 paper "A Neural Dirichlet Process Mixture Model for Task-Free Continual Learning.", (2020-08-22, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] Once-for-All-Adversarial-Training

[NeurIPS 2020]“一劳永逸的对抗训练:健壮性和准确性之间的免费就地权衡”,王浩涛*,天龙C...,
[NeurIPS 2020] "Once-for-All Adversarial Training: In-Situ Tradeoff between Robustness and Accuracy for Free" by Haotao Wang*, Tianlong Chen*, Shupeng Gui, Ting-Kuei Hu, Ji Liu, and Zhangyang Wang (2021-12-30, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] xunfei_paper_classification_competition

这个是我参加科大讯飞[学术论文分类挑战赛](<https: challenge.xfyun.cn topic info type=academic- paper-classification> )个人参赛记录
这个是我参加科大讯飞[学术论文分类挑战赛](<https: challenge.xfyun.cn topic info type=academic- paper-classification> )个人参赛记录 (2022-02-22, Python, 142991KB, 下载0次)
