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按分类查找All 流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4(3) 
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[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] CN-ASSIGNMENT-1

We will implement a streaming video server and client that communicate using the Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) and send data using the Real-time Transfer Protocol (RTP). (2023-04-03, Python, 3386KB, 下载0次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] CN_Ass1_source_code

Socket Programming in Python for video streaming with RTSP and RTP protocols. (2022-03-04, Python, 10171KB, 下载0次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] test_m3u8_cat

手机UC浏览器支持在线视频的缓存,但是如果直接去文件系统查找缓存的数据,只能找到.m3u8文件+vod流媒体文件。本工具主要解决vod流媒体文件拼接为原视频文件的问题。 由于这种需求是在现有文件中找不到原视频地址的网络地址的,故本工具与现存的m3u8下载工具功能并不冲突,算是一种针对已获取流媒体文件而无完整视频文件的补救解决方案。 本工具要求文件夹布局格式为: 根文件夹 |--文件夹1 |--无后缀名vod文件0 |--无后缀名vod文件1 |--无后缀名vod文件2 |--无后缀名vod文件3 |--无后缀名vod文件4 |--无后缀名vod文件5 |--无后缀名vod文件6 …………………… |--无后缀名vod文件n |--文件夹2 |--无后缀名vod文件0 |--无后缀名vod文件1 |--无后缀名vod文件2 |--无后缀名vod文件3 |--无后缀名vod文件4 |--无后缀名vod文件5 |--无后缀名vod文件6 …………………… |--文件夹3 ………………………… 更多问题请站内留言 ***猴呵呵*** 2020/02/14 14:08
UC browser of mobile phone supports the caching of online video, but if you directly go to the file system to find the cached data, you can only find. M3u8 file + VOD streaming media file. This tool mainly solves the problem of splicing VOD streaming media files into the original video files. Because the network address of the original video address cannot be found in the existing file, the function of this tool does not conflict with that of the existing m3u8 download tool, which is a remedial solution for the obtained streaming media file without complete video file. This tool requires the folder layout format to be: ***houhehe***: February 14, 2020 14:15 (2020-02-14, Python, 1KB, 下载0次)
