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[教育系统应用] AmanCODEWEB

#AmanCodeWeb存储库欢迎使用AmanCodeWeb存储库!此存储库包含Aman code Sphere网站的源代码和资产。##概述Aman Code Sphere是一个致力于为个人和企业提供创新编码解决方案和教育的平台。该存储库用作网站的基础
# AmanCodeWeb Repository Welcome to the AmanCodeWeb repository! This repository contains the source code and assets for the Aman Code Sphere website. ## Overview Aman Code Sphere is a platform dedicated to providing innovative coding solutions and education to individuals and businesses alike. This repository serves as the foundation for website (2024-04-01, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[教育系统应用] xueshengdenglu-

学生管理登陆系统,能 够 查 看 注 册 信 息等
Student Managementlanding system,the ability to viewregistration informationetc (2014-06-12, HTML, 711KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] student-info-management

学籍管理系统,上传 删除 修改学生信息 .NET 网站
student info management (2012-05-02, HTML, 775KB, 下载4次)
