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[SQL Server] Vegetable-Online-Store

“I&P”, A Website Providing The Provision Of Vegetables For Businesses. Implemented As A Web Application Running On Angular 4 and ASP.NET, Using MS SQL Server As A Database. (2017-12-26, HTML, 48KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] GestaoEstoque

Aplica o WEB com ASP.NET MVC利用了SQL Server作为企业的一个重要组成部分。
Aplica o WEB com ASP.NET MVC utilizando SQL Server para fazer a gest o de estoque de empresas. (2023-04-06, HTML, 1590KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Ora_v2.0

Ora enterprise website system built-in template engine, support code separation, built-in multiple cache mechanism, effectively improve the page response time, support multiple s (currently only Mysql driver class), support 3 route (URL) mode (2016-11-03, HTML, 476KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] zibm

buscx.cn汉字拼音五笔部首速查 可根据汉字查拼音,部首及五笔编码 支持多个汉字同时查询 使用前先将SQL导入数据库.
buscx.cn Wubi Pinyin Quick radicals can check characters to Pinyin, Wubi coding radicals and supports multiple characters at the same time before use SQL queries into the . (2016-08-07, HTML, 135KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] MySQL-CanKaoShouCe-cn

MySQL中文参考手册 MySQL-CanKaoShouCe-cn
Chinese MySQL reference manual (2009-05-10, HTML, 470KB, 下载1次)
