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[Websocket编程] -Chat-and-Share-with-socket-io

Chat App是一个利用Socket.io、jQuery和Express的实时消息传递平台。通过jQuery的增强功能提供用户友好的界面,该应用程序通过WebSocket集成实现即时通信。
Chat App is a real-time messaging platform utilizing Socket.io, jQuery and Express. Offering a user-friendly interface with jQuery s enhancements, the application enables instant communication through WebSocket integration. (2024-05-15, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Websocket编程] flask-dash

Zen Dash是一个python包,它简化了构建分析BI仪表板过程,同时提供了企业级的...
Zen Dash, a python package, simplifies the building analytics/BI dashboard process while providing enterprise-level scalability, stability, and performance. You can use FastAPI and Flask to host the application. (2022-12-30, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)
